Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Jaya's Tombstone

I thought this would make a lovely tombstone for me, at some future date. (Or perhaps it is my tombstone from some previous incarnation.) There will be a group of cats who around it, with attendants who come to feed them. The cats will also have a small mausoleum nearby, with soft, fuzzy kitty beds for them to sleep in.

And, for the pleasure of my visitors, in the back of the tombstone there will be a nifty dispenser of delicious chocolate truffles, hand made by my pal MaLu. Yes... I don't want gloomy guests! I want them standing around my grave exclaiming with sensual delight: "Mmmmm, Ooooo, Yum yum yum!"


myonlyphoto said...

Jaya, and you wonder why I tried to visit your blog. This is really funny, just don't go anywhere yet. Anna :)

BTW I been tagged with 'October is Breast Cancer Awareness', I am supporting for many reasons, and I am asking for support if you can, however, no pressure.

Anonymous said...

What is really ingenious about the plan is that the cats are highly trained to know if one of the humans is hogging the day's supply of truffles and will... well, let's just say they'll take care of it. Heh, heh.

(In order to post this I had to type qnhrhvr. I always feel like I'm trying to crack a code.)