Monday, August 2, 2010

My First Cucumber!

My cucumber plants survived the recent fire in my yard when they were babies, even though the flames were close enough to melt part of the plastic pot they are in.  And lately they've been thriving, as you can see in this photo of them taken this evening:

And while I'd seen there were some cucumbers growing, I thought the biggest ones were only about the size of my little finger, like this one:

But then today, as I was watering the plants, I suddenly saw, much to my surprise, this WAY larger cucumber!

And then on the other side I found one that was even longer, though much skinnier.  And I decided to go ahead and pick that one.  You can see how big it was, when it is compared to Henry:

It was SO very big that I almost felt I could reach the sky with it...

As you can probably tell, I am very proud of my first cucumber.  I brought it inside and ate it right up.  I look forward to many more. 


Bella Enveeus said...

oh LOL!

compared to reaching the sky with your first cucumber, everything else is easy peasy

Marg said...

Great job growing those cucumbers. Bet they were yummy. I grew some last year and they were not tasty at all.
Have a super day.

June Zach (Fledgling Blogger) said...

It really is a huge cucumber. I do not know how to plant one but I like it much especially making a cucumber salad with vinegar, salt and pepper. Tastes so yummy and healthy! ;)

Pinoy Working Mom said...

Wow, that's a good start...more cucumber to come.

I really want to have a vegetable garden but right now I just don't have the time to do some gardening.

Janet Ann said...

Wow, I am proud of your first cucumber too, as I well remember the excitement of growing my first one, too. Your photos are beautiful.

Out on the prairie said...

You can scratch a picture or name on these and watch it grow. I put mine on a vertical set of cattle panels.