Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Decline of my Teenage Teeth

I was poking around out in the garage a couple of days ago, looking for something.  I didn't find it, but I did come across an envelope which contained dental X-rays of my teeth from back in the 1970s!  There were X-rays taken from 1971,1973,and 1974, when I would have been 16,18, and 19.  I was surprised to see how many fillings I already had, at that young age, and how rapidly more were being put in over those few years.  I have no memory of all that dental work, or who the dentist was.  I do see that the name shows 'Julie Aaron'.  My first name back then was Julia, and for a period of time I was called 'Julie', which I never liked.  I can also see my sideways sitting wisdom teeth still in place in these X-rays.  If memory serves, I had all four of those extracted in one session when I was 21.   What about you- have you had your wisdom teeth extracted, and if so, at what age?


Karolen said...

Hi Jaya! thanks for leaving a comment on my bead blog last month! :-)
Teeth, teeth.... aye-yi-yi. I never had my wisdom teeth extracted. I'm 41. I did have a tooth right in front of a wisdom tooth extracted last year. I had it pulled out while awake, with novacaine. Never again. Put me out if I ever have to have a tooth extracted again. It was so traumatic, painful and terrifying that I decided consciously to block the memory of the experience. I can't imagine having 4 done at once, even with knock-out gas.
I've had tons of work done on my teeth this past year. Dentophobia had kept me from the dentist for a long time. Of course, the tooth extraction didn't help my dentophobia! Things are better now... no more dentophobia and I finally have healthy teeth that are all fixed up!

yljien said...

yes. teeth really decline the same way as our bones. i noticed my teeth became brittle when I was diagnosed as osteopenic, a condition leading to osteoporosis. the doctor said i lack calcium. i am not a milk drinker and always had a little amount of calcium intake. i had kidney stones problem which makes me not take calcium because when calcium are not properly absorbed by our bones and teeth it goes directly to our kidneys as calcium deposits and this causes kidney stones...

Bella Enveeus said...

I've never had any of my wisdom tooth extracted. I'm 27 already. I don't seem to have much problem in the teeth area. I hardly go to the dentist too. :P Plus, I never seem to have any problems with dentists compared to many others. I actually love paying a visit to the dentist! :D

Jaya said...

Bella, congratulations on your healthy teeth. That is a real blessing. As for you not minding going to the dentist, if they were ripping teeth out of your mouth you might feel a bit differently. I have terrible dental phobia. Nitrous oxide helps, but most dentists around here no longer provide that to soothe their patients.

I don't remember being traumatized by having my wisdom teeth extracted, as I was put under general anesthesia. But I had another molar extracted a few years ago, because I couldn't afford to have it repaired, and that, like the experience Karolen described, was HORRIBLE and SCARY, like something out of a nightmare. I will never go to that dentist again!! (shudder)