First of all, I want you all to know that I took a great personal risk (going way outside my comfort zone) to get the photos for this story. So please take a moment and say: "Yay Jaya! Brave Jaya! Thanks, Jaya!"
Alright then, here's the story... At the place I work, there is a basement, a dark, dank, SCARY basement. I try to avoid it as much as possible. Bob The Giant Mutant Squirrel lives down in the basement. He is bad news. I've heard that his intention is to chew through the ceiling of the basement and attack the people living in the bedroom above. I've never actually seen Bob The Giant Mutant Squirrel, but I've heard him throwing stuff around down there in the middle of the night.
Yesterday, a guy was at work treating some mold in the basement. He wanted me to go down there with him (ewwwww!). But I did. While we were down there, he pointed out these odd pipes going off under other areas of the house. I'd never noticed them before, because the few other times I've been down in the basement I've been focused on getting back OUT, and have never spent time really looking around down there. The Mold Guy directed my attention to one of these pipes, this one shown below:

I don't know why there is a picture frame hanging on it. Why not, though, I suppose, eh? The Mold Guy took out a flash light and pointed it down the pipe. At first, all I saw was something like this:

Then, I looked a little closer, with the Mold Guy's encouragement, and I could see further down, around the corner a little bit. SOMETHING was down there! Eeeek!! What was it???
Was it Bob The Giant Mutant Squirrel? Nope, not him, but I'm guessing he's pretty darn familiar with these pipes...
No, it was something else, something quite unexpected, and oddly creepy. It was very hard to get a photograph of it, but I did finally get one good enough to show you what is down there, past the curve in the pipe in the basement. Have a look:
Yep. A doll's head. No body, just the head, staring down the pipe, out towards the scary basement. How did it get there? And how long has it been there? As far as I know, there haven't been any children younger than sixteen living in this building for decades. And this doll head is at least ten or twelve feet down this pipe, probably underneath what is now the kitchen pantry.
Do you find this weird? I sure do, but at the same time, I also find it perversely fascinating. What child, long since grown up, played with this doll? And what happened to her body? Was it eaten by Bob The Giant Mutant Squirrel??