Friday, July 20, 2007

Namaste from Sylvester la

I'd like to introduce you to Sylvester. He is one of the cats currently boarding in my 'Cat Guest Room'. Sylvester will be with me for over a month, as his human has gone off to Tibet to do volunteer work and meet with Tsedor, the Tibetan man she's fallen in love with.

Sylvester is a very handsome fellow, as you can see below, and he is also an exceptionally large cat, with a great zest for life! He has a LOT to say, and he likes to say it at full volume! He loves attention, and will butt his head up against me while purring with pleasure. He's a wonderful character, and I'm enjoying having him as a Guest Cat.

In the photo below you can see Sylvester dressed up in his party attire, to celebrate the Tibetan blessing ceremony his human, Carol la, had on Friday to honor her union with Tsedor la.

The goal is to bring Tsedor over to the United States. It is a complicated process, but it is looking good right now. Sylvester is VERY much looking forward to meeting Tsedor, about whom he has heard such wonderful things.


Snoskred said...

He looks very commanding in that last shot. It's almost as if he knew he'd end up wearing a party hat and bow tie and he's giving a slightly disapproving look about it. ;)

I love cats that like to speak at full volume. ;) I'll hope to see a few more pics while he's with you. And I must post some kitty pics sometime soon.. :)

Snoskred - has a new home at -

CDAD said...

He´s a lovely cat! Very nice photo!

Anonymous said...

Cute story Jaya. I was shocked when I married my wife and found her cat Noami hated me. It was so bad we had to find a home for her. She had lived with Ann all her life. So was very, very joined at the hip, so to speak. I hope all goes well with the reunion. You sure have some wonderful experiences. Thanks for sharing. And I of course love the cat photos.

Anonymous said...

Truly an old soul with those wise and knowing eyes.
How come so many tuxies are named Sylvester? Was it a cartoon character? We are having Sunday afternoon brain farts, maybe.

Jaya said...

Oh yes, Mosaic Cats, there most certainly was a Sylvester cartoon cat- He's the Looney Tunes cat who was always trying to catch (and eat) Tweety Bird. If that is not enough to refresh your memory, you can see him here:

Jaya said...

Zoey & Me ---> I am also shocked that Noami hated you... (by the way, is that supposed to be Naomi?? If so, perhaps she hated you because you misspelled her name???)

Your wife must REALLY love you, to have choosen you over her cat!!! I will have to be very careful, though, not to let any of my cats read this disturbing discussion!

Jaya said...

Snoskred- yes, Sylvester CAN look QUITE commanding. And he's been commenting again at full volume as I've been responding to the comments on this thread just now. He's mostly been saying:


I think he might want a second helping of the chicken liver treat I gave him earlier! Along with some hugs, of course...

By the way, I really like that photo you took of the kangaroo by the side of the road. He has some similarities to Sylvester, now that I think about it!!

Jaya said...

Claudya, thanks for your comments. Your blogs look cool, but I can't understand much of the language... Portuguese, I think?

Dorothy said...

Sylvester is a very handsom cat. He sounds like a good companion.

Anonymous said...

hi Jaya! i love your blog. the cats are oh so cute! :D

i've got one too. He's called Noushie! hihi. i love the way you talk about them! take care ;)

Jaya said...

A sad update to this post...

Tsedor, the Tibetan man, died
in late November of 2007. He
never did make it over to the