Thursday, June 7, 2007

Night Of The Dancing White Buck

In the hills above Santa Fe, the snow was falling in the silence of the moonlit night. I was sitting outside in my hot tub, watching the flakes fall. Down the hill, in town, Reynaldo lay dying.

Our AIDS support group members had been visiting him, even though he'd been unconscious most of the time and none of us knew him. We were able to do some small things for him. We touched him, so he knew he was not alone. His family was on their way to Santa Fe. He was part Apache, and once, when he regained consciousness, he asked us to have a Medicine Man come to him in the hospital. We found a man with sacred knowledge who came from a nearby Pueblo and performed a ceremony to help ease Reynaldo's spirit for the journey he was undertaking. It felt good, and purifying.

I'd planned to go down once more to the hospital later that night, after relaxing a bit in the hot tub. But soon after I'd gotten in, I had a strong urge to get to the hospital RIGHT AWAY. I was about to get up, when I noticed a movement in the piƱon and juniper trees that surrounded the little clearing the hot tub was in.

As I watched in silent amazement, a large white deer stepped out into the clearing, clearly visible in the moonlight, even through the falling snow. He paused, turned his head towards me, and seemed to look directly into my eyes. Then, he began to DANCE. He lept, and twirled, and pranced with obvious joy. And then he vanished, leaving me staring out through the snow to the empty space where he had been.

Mystified, I climbed out of the hot tub, pulled on my clothes, and drove down into town to the hospital. It took me right around 20 minutes to get there. When I arrived, several members of the support team were outside the hospital. They told me Reynaldo had passed over. I asked how long ago he had died, and they told me it was just 20 minutes earlier. Then I understood, and I knew that Reynaldo had found great freedom and exhilaration in his release from human form, and I knew that the vision of the white buck was his parting gift to me.


paisley said...

a wave of chill just rushed thru my whole body... my arms are still tingling.. this is so beautiful... in my heart of hearts,,, i want to believe...............

Jaya said...

Yes, Paisley, it WAS beautiful... and it was a very profound experience for me, as I am not prone to visions! While I already did believe in the continuation of life after death when this occured (about 18 years ago), this was a huge confirmation.

Thanks for stopping by, Paisley (BIRTHDAY Girl)- I hope you have a DELIGHTFUL day!

Anonymous said...

That his spirit chose to visit you means he knew and appreciated your genuine empathy. Those who make such kind of connections are indeed blessed. May your tribe increase!

Jaya said...

Thank-you for that comment, Manila Mom.

Translator said...

Beautiful story! My mother and I had a chance to meet a white mule deer buck here in Colorado. He hung around our house for the better part of a year, then just disappeared. Not sure if he found a new territory or...something worse.

Amazing creatures - I agree that they are very special and messengers of some sort. We just need to know how to listen.

Great post!

Jaya said...

Thanks for the comments, Translator. How wonderful you had that white buck visiting! I've never seen one outside of this vision... didn't even know they actually existed until recently!

Anonymous said...

That was a pretty cool piece. WOW!

Dawn Drover said...

You're so lucky to have had such an experience. Not many people are that blessed.(twistedsister)

mrsnesbitt said...

Thanks so much for the support over on BC...if you email me ...

denisedotnesbittatbtinternetdotcom I will send you a few pics you will love!

mrsnesbitt said...

OK, just clocked your e-mail LOL!
